
The Green Jutland Corridor is a collaborative project between 26 partners with the aim of contributing to the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly multimodal transport in the Jutland Corridor, and creating synergy between passenger and freight transport. This must be done by creating increased awareness of the corridor’s possibilities and advantages compared to other corridors.

In addition, the project will investigate the possibilities of using new technology and sustainable solutions for transport by rail, road and sea. Last but not least, the project will explore the interest for cooperation in a broader partnership with other stakeholders in the corridor.

The Jutland Corridor is the geographical transport network that connects Southern Norway, Western Sweden and Jutland with Central Europe. The transport network includes both road, rail and sea. Large quantities of goods and passengers are transported every day.

Transport creates growth and development, but also puts pressure on the need for alternative solutions that can ensure CO2 reduction and a green and sustainable future. The Jutland Corridor can become the place where development is supported by cooperation, coordination across borders and the development of new, sustainable solutions.

Learn more about Grønn Jyllandskorridor: https://gronnjyllandskorridor.rn.dk


  • Multimodal Solutions

    1. Map logistics of cargos transportations
    2. Recommend models for optimal multimodal transportation offerings.
  • Transportation based on renewables

    1. Green transition on cargo trains
    2. Green energy hubs in the corridor of Jutland
    3. Hydrogen infrastructure in the corridor of Jutland
  • Benchmarking and positionering

    1. Benchmarking towards other corridors and the examination of potential and challenges including impact to climate.
    2. Positioning for increased awareness on the corridor of Jutland and bringing focus to available opportunities.

Project Title

Grønn Jyllandskorridor

Time Frame

2022 – 2025




Financed By

Co-funded by the European Union