Green fuels unlocking unseen value!
Shipping companies are increasingly eyeing harbors offering green fuels due to stricter emissions regulations and their own ambitious emission reduction targets. Although transitioning to green fuels can be costly upfront, it offers long-term operational savings and potential avoidance of carbon pricing costs, due the inclusion of shipping in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in 2024.
Harbors play an important role as hubs for the production, storage, and supply of green fuels, aligning with both the EU’s maritime policies and broader climate goals. Collaborations with harbors offering green fuels can foster strong partnerships, supporting both the economic and environmental goals of shipping companies and the harbors they operate in, providing a competitive advantage in a market evolving towards low-carbon solutions.
European Union’s maritime policies have a profound impact on the transition to green fuels in the shipping sector, particularly for the adoption of Power-to-X strategies for harbors. The EU’s ambition to achieve a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 has propelled various legislative and financial instruments that incentivize the shift towards cleaner, renewable energy sources in maritime transport. Furthermore, the EU’s regulatory framework and funding opportunities, such as the Innovation Fund and Horizon Europe program, provide crucial support for projects that aim to develop and demonstrate green fuel technologies and infrastructure.
By developing and implementing Power-to-X strategies, harbors can foster the production and utilization of green fuels, driving the decarbonization of the maritime sector, and positioning themselves as key players in the EU’s transition to a green economy.

Seaports aiming for a strong position in green hydrogen are challenged to be active in all parts of the hydrogen value chain. A favorable location, a well-developed pipeline network, strong worldwide maritime connectivity, state-of-the-art terminal and logistics infrastructures, well-functioning and efficient industrial ecosystems and a strong customer base, are all important factors enabling a seaport to take up an important, pioneering, role in an emerging hydrogen economy, positioning itself as a hydrogen import, transit and production hub.
We help you leverage the opportunities presented by the EU’s maritime policies, develop and execute robust Power-to-X strategies that not only contribute to the decarbonization of shipping but also enhance your competitiveness and sustainability of the harbors. We can help you:
- Conduct a needs analysis to identify the requirement for PtX technologies.
- Support to attract green fuel investment.
- Sale of CO2 certificates for CCS storage
- Formulate a clear vision and set objectives aligning with the harbor’s sustainability and development goals.
- Understand and navigate the local, national, and international regulatory framework affecting the PtX strategy.
- Overview of commercial opportunities and challenges associated with methanol, hydrogen, and ammonia.
- Technical assessment of feasibility to implement green fuels.
- Engagement of relevant stakeholders including local authorities, off-takers and green fuel suppliers.
Let’s Collaborate
We help partners accelerate their green transitions.
Our vast knowhow tap into the main trends in the green transition, including the potentials around hydrogen hubs at ports, hydrogen and their carriers as fuels and fuel cells technologies to shipping. We collaborate with energy-, technology providers and harbors in both funded projects as innovation partner or as a trusted consultancy partner.
- Site options discovery and assessments
- Technology and application assessments
- Concept options / Plant design overview
- Pre-feasibility study / viability assessment
- Market analysis regulatory overview
- Funding options overview
- Early stage project ideation and outreach
Project Structuring
- Site selection, permission overview
- Technology selection and supplier shortlisting
- Shortlisting of 3. party engineering companies
- Business case modelling & optimization
- Offtaker identification & initial discussions
- Funding strategy, consortium gathering
- Outreach/communication consortium partners
- Permissions and approvals application support
- Supplier negotiation benchmark and selection
- Support FEED dialogue as “owners engineer”
- Preparation of “bankable” business case for FID
- Support offtaker negotiations
- Funding application support
- PR and communication, local community dialogue
- Support implementation and commissioning
- Support supplier dialogue as “owners engineer”
- Support implementation as “owners engineer”
- Contract/budget progress support during implementation
- Support offtaker dialogue
- Reporting and communication (funded projects)
- PR and communication project implementation progress
- Considering next phase project extension
- Service and maintenance optimization
- Technical asset optimization
- Value and revenue optimization
- New offtakers/customer opportunities
- Reporting and communication (funded projects)
- PR and communication, project impact and benefits
Project Coordination / Management
In Project Management, we are your experienced, trusted and unbiased partner taking the process smoothly from A-Z.