We are excited that the HyBalance project was among the 4 finalists in the 21st Energy Globe Award, category Fire – being rated as one of the best from about 2500 submissions.
Each year the Energy Globe Award honors the best solutions for current energy and climate changes

The HyBalance project demonstrates the use and use cases of green hydrogen in the energy system of the future. HyBalance is one of multiple initiatives that, through utilizing the potential of hydrogen, will contribute to the transformation of the energysystem away from dependency on fossil fuels and towards renewable and local energy sources.
The production of green hydrogen at HyBalance is based on water-based electrolysis, which makes it possible to store excess power from windmills or other renewables. The plant contributes to the balancing of the electricity grid and the hydrogen can be utilized in industrial processes and in the mobility sector.
The project showcases a pathway for sustainable development of the hydrogen sector in Europe. HyBalance has received funding from the FCH-JU (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking) and the Danish EUDP-programme

Air Liquide, which is actively involved in the expansion of hydrogen usage, is the primary investor and project managing organization of the HyBalance project.
Denmark has been chosen for the location of this innovative project due to its strong focus on renewable energy and its integration into the energy system.
Learn more about the HyBalance project at hybalance.eu

Project Title
Time Frame
2016 – 2020
Air Liquide
Cummins (formerly Hydrogenics)
Centrica (formerly NEAS Energy)
Hydrogen Valley
Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST)
Associate partners: